無料ダウンロード rise and fall method and height of collimation method 702254-How to calculate height of collimation method
The rise and fall method;Of instrument or height of collimation method and rise and fall method The columns for booking the readings in a level book are same for both the methods but for reducing the levels, the number of additional columns depends upon the method of reducing the levels Note thatMETHODS 1 Height of Instrument method The basic equations are Height of instrument for the first setting= RL of BM BS(at BM) Subtract the IS and FS from HI to get RL of intermediate stations and change points Checking ΣBS ΣFS = Last RL –First RL This is –ve for FALL and ve for RISE METHODS OF LEVELLING LEVELLING
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How to calculate height of collimation method
How to calculate height of collimation method-Oct 13, 17 · The difference between Height of Collimation Method (HCM) and Rise and Fall Method (RFM) are as follows HCM It is more rapid and saves a considerable time and labour RFM It is laborious as the staff reading of each station is compared to get a rise or fall HCM It is well adopted for reduction of levels for construction work such as longitudinal or crosssection1 HI method is less tedious, more rapid and simple method Rise and fall method is more tedious 2 In an HI method less calculation is required Rise and fall method more calculation is required 3 HI method is less accurate Rise and fall method is more accurate 4

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A reduced level is the vertical distance between a survey point and the adopted level datum There are two methods for calculating reduced levels, namely the "rise and fall" method and the "heightWhich method is more accurate for leveling work !Sep 27, 11 · RISE AND FALL METHOD Determine the RLs of various points if the reduced level (RL) of a point on which the first reading was taken is gives the Height of Rise and Fall method and applies the check Station BS IS FS Rise Fall RL Remarks 1 2 1536 0974 72 0536 1216 BM A RL=m CP1 R/F = BS FS = 1536 – 72 = 0
First one is rise and fall method, and the height of instrument method is the other one The letters of HI means height of instrument, in other terms its called height of collimation BS FS = if the answer is above 0 , is called rise At the answer is below zero is called fallRise and Fall Method is the method of calculating the difference in elevation between consecutive points in levelling work Some of the points you have to know before starting numerical are Back sights The first reading after seeing the instrument is called back sights This is taken at a known point like BM or FS It is denoted as BSHEIGHT OF COLLIMATION AND RISE & FALL METHOD Aim To determine to difference in elevation between the given points adopting height of collimation (HC) and rise & fall method Instruments required Dumpy Level with stand, Telescopic Metric Staff HEIGHT OF COLLIMATION Procedure Compound leveling in also called as differential or fly leveling
Oct 30, 11 · Height of Collimation Method;Height of Instrument or Collimation method;Rise and Fall Method;

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By collimation plane method and rise & fall method 7) Fixing bench mark with respect to temporary bench mark with dumpy level by fly leveling and check levelling 8) LSection and cross section of road ( One full size drawing sheet for LSection and cross section ) 9) Measurement of horizontal angles theodolite by method of repetitionMethods of Levelling Height of Collimation MethodRise and Fall Method Collimation Method It consist of finding the elevation of the plane of collimation ( HI) for every set up of the instrument, and then obtaining the reduced level of point with reference to the respective plane of collimation Rise and Fall Method It consists of determining the difference of elevation between consecutiveThe decrease level of each point is then acquired by adding the rise to or subtracting the fall from the RL of the preceding point The arithmetic check in this method is as follows ∑ BS ∑ FS = ∑ Rise ∑ Fall = Last RL First RL It can be noted that the first method of collimation is simpler and faster than the rise and fall method

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What Is Height Of Instrument And Rise Fall Method Of Levelling
Jul 12, 16 · Levelling Method 1 Height of Collimation Method 7 6 2 Rise and Fall Method Apparatus UsedFor Levelling Automatic level (Auto level) It is a professional levelling tool which is used by contractors, builders, land surveyors and engineers whoAug 24, 14 · collimation method, height of instrument method As opposed to the "rise and fall method" Kollimationsverfahren n, Kollimationsmethode fFor example, automatic level, adjustableleg tripod, optical plummet, horizontal bubble level, barcoded level rod and plump bob Besides, we also learnt the way to calculate the reduced level by using height of collimation method and rise and fall method and also learnt to

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31 Collimation method 10 32 Rise and fall method 14 33 Which method to use 15 34 Accuracy of recording and closing errors 15 4 APPLICATIONS 16 41 Preparations 16 42 Working procedure for a (small) weir site 17 REFERENCES 24 ii1 Civil Engineering Most Important Points https//wwwyoutubecom/playlist?list=PLd2fXMyRqYph0uv0ynK22LLyGE2_sGw2 How to calculate Plot Area (Feet2, YardPDF On Sep , 16, Bharat Gadakh published Dumpy level methods Rise and fall ,Collimation methods Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

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The comparison of line of collimation method and Rise – fall method Height of collimation Rise fall method 1 It is more rapid & save time 1 It is laborious to compute the rise & fall then RL 2 This method is use for reduction of level for construction work Such as longitudinal or cross sectional leveling operationThe height of collimation changes only when the level is moved to a new position The new height of collimation is found by adding the backsight to the RL at the change point Please note there is no check on the accuracy of intermediate RL's and errors could go undetected The rise and fall method may take a bit longer to complete, but a check on entries in all columns is carried outHeight of Collimation Method This method is simple and easy Reduction of levels is easy Visualization is not necessary regarding the nature of the ground There is no check for intermediate sight readings;

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Booking The Staff Reading And Reduction Of Levels
Use either the Rise and Fall method or the Height of Plane of Collimation (HPC) method to reduce the data Use arithmetic checks to support your answer Station Point BS IS FS Rise Fall or HPC RL CH 1 TBM 0771 1,2 A 0802 1552 0 2 B 2311 5 2,3 C1 Reduce the following loop of levels by the "Rise and Fall" method, and by the "Height of Collimation" method BS 310 ISFS Rise Fall HtColl RLT Remarks Bench Mark 456 Nat Surface (NS) 260 0 480 5 280 100 460 430 470 240 490 1 0 417 Change Point 260 450 Change Point BM 456 Checks (Ans Checks show 001 misclose) 2Height of collimation method In this method height of the instrument is calculated for the first setting of instrument by adding the back sight to the reduced level of the given Bench Mark The reduced level of the first station is obtained by subtracting its fore sight from the instrument height

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The Rise and Fall Method;The height of Collimation Method;To determine relative height and distance among different locations of a surveying land IT IS CALCULATED BY TWO METHODS (1) Rise and Fall Method (2) Line of Collimation Method LET'S FIRST DISCUSS RISE AND FALL METHOD QUESTION STATION BS IS FS RISE FALL

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Height of Collimation Booking Sheet Click Height_of_Collimation_BS_Layout1_1_pdf link to view the file Previous Activity Accuracy Next Activity Booking NLN infoAug 31, · There are two accepted methods of booking observations – Rise and Fall method and Height of the Plane of Collimation method (HPC/HOC) Neither method can be said to be more accurate than the other Rise and Fall does have an additional check on the arithmetical reduction of the observations which makes it more popular on line levellingRise and Fall Method;

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The difference between Height of Collimation Method (HCM) and Rise and Fall Method (RFM) are as follows HCM It is more rapid and saves a considerable time and labour RFM It is laborious as the staff reading of each station is compared to get a rise or fallThe rise and fall method of reduction should be used if possible especially for control works Levelling 22 possible, especially for control works Two Peg Test ExampleTwoPeg Test Computation True Difference in Height AB (1St Setup) B 1 A 1 = 0860 12 = 0423 Relative Difference in Height AB (2nd Setup) Relative Difference in Height ABBoth methods of booking the readings of a levelling run are the same That is, the first reading of any setup is a Back Sight and would be booked in the column labelled Back Sight The final reading taken on any setup is a Fore Sight and would be booked in the column labelled Fore Sight

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Height Collimation Method Geospatial Education Platform
Height of Collimation Method This method is simple and easy Reduction of levels is easy Visualization is not necessary regarding the nature of the ground There is no check for intermediate sight readings;HI Method (Collimation plane) Rise and fall method;Accordingly there are two types of level books Both the methods are described below 1 Height of the instrument method or height of collimation method (HI method) Below is a page of a level book for the height of the instrument method There are seven columns

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The height of Collimation Method The Rise and Fall Method Both methods of booking the readings of a levelling run are the same That is, the first reading of any setup is a Back Sight and would be booked in the column labelled Back SightTutorial (Height of Collimation Method, Rise and Fall Method) 1 Readings taken in order during a leveling work are given below Tabulate them suitably and find the reduced levels of all the points if the RL of the first point A is assumed to beThere are two Methods of Levelling 24 A Height of Collimation Method 24 B Rise and Fall Method 24 Signal emitting levels (SEL) 28 Recording 31 Calculating the Rise and Fall 33 CALCULATING DISTANCES USING STADIA LINES 38 Sources of Errors in Stadia Work 39 Staff readings 40 BONING RODS 41 SPIRIT LEVEL AND STRAIGHT EDGE 41

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Collimation Method The height of collimation is the height of the horizontal line of sight above the datum, and is sometimes called the height of instrument Rise and Fall Method Advantages of the two methods of booking The advantage of the collimation method is that it is ideal for setting out reduced levels on site The reduced level ofJan 07, 18 · Rise and Fall Method 1 Collimation Method or Height of instrument It consist of finding the elevation of the plane of collimation (HI) for every set up of the instrument, and then obtaining the reduced level of point with reference to the respective plane of collimation6 rows · Line of Collimation or HI method Rise and fall method Rise and fall method 1 It

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This method is generally used where more number of readings can be taken with lessRise and fall method !( c) Rise/fall of B with respect to A = 2435 165 ( Lower staff reading being higher) = 0785m, = with compare to A, the station point B being 0785m higher 13 Compare height of collimation method and rise and fall method a Height of collimation method bRise and fall method

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The height of the instrument method;∑ (BS) – ∑ (FS) = ∑ Rise – ∑ Fall = RL of last point – RL of first point 56 – 4950 = 137 – 070 = – 100 067 = 067 = 067 Using Height of collimation Method (HOC) For this method use the following formulas, RL BS = HOC and HOC – FS = RLHeight of instrument method !

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First one is rise and fall method, and the height of instrument method is the other one The letters of HI means height of instrument, in other terms its called height of collimation BS FS = if the answer is above 0, is called rise At the answer is below zero is called fallThis method is generally used where more number of readings can be taken with less number of changeCheck of leveling method

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1 Collimation Method It consist of finding the elevation of the plane of collimation (HI) for every set up of the instrument, and then obtaining the reduced level of point with reference to the respective plane of collimation 1 Elevation of plane of collimation for the first set of the level determined by adding back side to RL of BM 2Rise and Fall Method 1 Collimation Method It consists in finding the elevation of the plane of collimation ie (HI) for every setting of the instrument and then obtaining the reduced levels of the points with reference to the respective plan of collimationMethods of Levelling 1 Height of Collimation Method 2 Rise and Fall Method 1 Collimation Method It consist of finding the elevation of the plane of collimation ( HI) for every set up of the instrument, and then obtaining the reduced level of point with reference to the respective plane of collimation

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Answer to 1 Calculate rise & fall or height of plane collimation and reduced level 2 Perform arithmetic check and determine alloRise and fall method Height of instrument method deals with obtaining the RL of the line of collimation by adding BS reading of a point whose RL is known The RL of line of collimation is called Height of Instrument From this, the staff readings of all intermediate stations is subtracted to get theOct 30, 11 · Height of Collimation Method;

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